Our science class will be broken up into five units:

1. Inquiry

2. Physical Science

3. Earth in Space

4. Organisms and their Environment

5. Earth Structure

For a complete breakdown of what each unit covers, please click on the navigation link to the left labeled "Standards."

Students will be working in interactive science notebooks and will need to have two composition books for science and two quad ruled spiral note books for math at the beginning of the year. These notebooks become a portfolio of the students work as we progress throughout each unit. They will be sent home periodically for parent signatures but will remain in the classroom throughout most of the year.

Norma Bossard students in grades five will be required to complete a science fair project. Details regarding timing and expectations will be sent home with students well in advance of the due date. On the navigation bar to the left there is a link to my online "Science Fair Center." This is a "one stop" place for science fair ideas, links to websites of interest, a breakdown of the science fair board requirements, and more. Please look through the site, as it might help streamline the science fair process for you and your child.